Often lender's points programs offer to reimburse deal related or marketing related expenses. Finmo is generally accepted to fall under either of those categories.
Lenders who use a points program: MCAP, First National, and Street Capital
Step 1: Calculate a 12 month total for your Finmo Legacy costs.
Step 2: Generate a 12 month invoice to attach to your request using a free invoice generator.
Step 3: Send the following email to your desired lender's BDM (Business Development Manager).
Hi {BDM Name},
I'm requesting the following invoice be covered by {Lender} for my FINMO Pro account so I can continue to use my affordability calculator for marketing purposes.
Please check out the cool calculator.
{insert your calculator link}.
I believe it is safe to assume this will help me increase my volume to {Lender}.
I have included the 12 month invoice for Finmo Pro for {$xxxx}. If approved, the cheque can be sent to
Lendesk Technologies ULC
PO Box 48299 Bentall
Vancouver, BC
V7X 1A1
Thank you for considering my request,
Step 4: When Lendesk receives the cheque, we will credit your account with the correct amount!
Please click on the chat button if you should have questions.