⭐️ More flexibility for FINTRAC compliance
If you completed any manual risk assessment checks, you can generate Fraud & Risk Assessment Report as a PDF on the Fraud & risk assessment page and the "Generated documents" section. This report captures the information you entered for the KYC and PEP checks, and the Fraud & AML risk factor assessment. How it helps:
Agents: Easily capture and submit the information you entered in the manual checks for compliance.
Compliance managers: Receive a full overview report of how your team assessed each borrower.
Brokerages: Gain a clear, high-level understanding of your agents' adherence, with options for detailed paper trails.
✅ Finmo calculators update
Since December 15, new insured mortgage rules came into effect. To help you stay compliant, Finmo has updated the down payment calculations to reflect these changes seamlessly.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the team or join live training sessions hosted by Joe, our Technical Trainer & Integration Specialist.
✏️ Edit and delete notes
A highly-requested feature is live in Finmo! You can now edit and delete internal notes within your deals.