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Document collection
How to request CRA Tax document packages from snapNOA,snapnoa, cra, tax docs, billing, faq's
How to allow borrowers to pull bank statements from their own banking institutionsbank statements, client banking info, pull from bank, bank documents
How to request documents from your borrower(s)Finmo can request borrowers upload documentation either manually or automatically.
How to set a due date and automatic reminders for documentsYou can set a due date for document collection and automatically send out outstanding document reminders to borrowers.
How to review document uploads and mark them with the correct statusThis article shows you how to mark document requests as "approved", or "needs attention" for documents that are incorrect or illegible.
How to hide an uploaded document to stay organizedIf a borrower uploads an incorrect file, simply hide it. For compliance, Finmo cannot permanently delete files.
How to Delete, Hide or Archive Documents
How to convert documents to PDF and download them for the lenderLearn how to package documents into a PDF for lender delivery with just a click.
How to upload a borrower's documents manuallyIf you receive mortgage documentation in person, or through e-mail, you can upload it to a borrower's application for them.
How to only collect documents for a deal in Finmo (no application).Using Finmo only for document collection (you already have the application).
Smart Document rules- how to customize or disableEdit Smart Documents, turn off smart docs suggestions
How to use Smart Documents to request documents automaticallyupload documents, application portal, smart docs
How to use Smart Document suggestionsdocument suggestions, request docs, clear suggestions,
How to create, edit, duplicate or delete a custom document requestAdd custom request, document library
How to edit a document request title or descriptionIf you don't like the wording of our default documents, here's how to fix it.
Can borrower(s) complete an application and upload documents on behalf of another co-borrower?Borrower(s) can complete an application and upload documents on behalf of a co-borrower.
How to move documents between document requests or borrowers